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Study Resources
​We are currently developing this section of our website, to provide schools and students with access to videos, PowerPoints and worksheets. These Arran-based examples of Geographical, Geological and Biological fieldwork will introduce you to key concepts in each of these subjects, and should develop your understanding in different areas of the environmental sciences.
For specific resources, or for assistance in teaching field studies under the current restricted circumstances, please contact the Centre.
New resources will be added continually to this page, so do come back soon to see what's available!
Justification of Methods Sheet
A table to help you think about the pros and cons of your methods, and how they might be improved.
Class Sheets
Rivers Summary
Cross Sectional Area
Drainage Basin Map
Scatter Graphs
Spearman's Rank
Risk Assessment
Secondary Data
Measurements of twelve sites from source to mouth along the River Chalmadale. Use these to complete the exercises on the class sheets, if you don't have any data of your own!
Justification of Methods Sheet
A table to help you think about the pros and cons of your methods, and how they might be improved.
Class Sheets
Longshore Drift Analysis
Coastline Construction
Beach Profile Analysis
Multiple Line Graph
Mann-Whitney Test
Spearman's Rank
Secondary Data
Longshore drift and beach profile measurements made between Catacol and Lochranza. Use these to complete the exercises on the class sheets, if you don't have any data of your own!
Learn about coastal processes, what makes their study important, and how to measure longshore drift.
Cold Environments
Justification of Methods Sheet
A table to help you think about the pros and cons of your methods, and how they might be improved.
Class Sheets
Definitions and Examples of Glacial Features
Identifying Glacial Features
Sediment Analysis
An introduction to our glacial history and how to study it.
Learn about Arran's glacial history, and ways of studying our glaciated landscapes.
All videos available on the Cold Environments playlist of our YouTube channel.
Changing Places
Field Sheets
Building Survey
Pedestrian Survey
Traffic Survey
Items of Change
Past and Present Images
Landscape Evaluation
Landscape Character
Bipolar Adjectives
Placecheck Survey
Class Sheets
Census Data
Population Pyramids
Social Commentary
Bipolar Adjective Scale
Landscape Description
Pie Chart
Bar Chart
Divided Bar Chart
Justification of Methods Sheet
A table to help you think about the pros and cons of your methods, and how they might be improved.
An introduction to Arran's human geography, a summary of fieldwork methods, and a brief history of tourism on the island.
Secondary Data
Isle of Arran census data and population pyramids.
For data to complete the class sheets, we urge you to collect your own - qualitative data in particular is very subjective and doesn't lend itself to being offered as secondary data.
Photos from the past and present of settlements around the island, for understanding historical changes.
Understand different qualitative and quantitative methods for studying settlements, and learn about Arran's human geography, both past and present.
Introducing the essential Geological Skills:
Notebook Setup
Rock Descriptions
Field Sketches
Strikes and Dips
Dyke Measurements
Sedimentary Logging
Sampling Strategies
A geological map of Arran and a structural map of Scotland, to colour in and annotate yourself.
Environmental Science
Field Sheets
Carbon Flux
Land Exposure (TOPEX)
Woodland Carbon Content
Justification of Methods Sheet
A table to help you think about the pros and cons of your methods, and how they might be improved.
An introduction to the carbon cycle and how to study its interactions with ecosystems under the influence of present climate change.
Fieldwork Guide
An explanation of how to carry out carbon fieldwork, how to conduct the follow up analysis, and what it all means!

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